Thursday, January 30, 2020

Importance Of Law In To Kill a Mocking Bird Essay Example for Free

Importance Of Law In To Kill a Mocking Bird Essay Law’s are made for many different reasons, they are made to keep society in place, they are made to give justice to everyone, they are made to give equality to all, they are made to stop intolerable acts, and they are made to uphold our strict justice system. When it comes to practicing law I believe that no exceptions may be made in any circumstances because a rule is a rule. With one exception being made many people would be at a disadvantage, creating an unfair justice system. Pretend you are a driving your child to their doctor’s appointment, when you realize that you may be late you begin to speed. Eventually you are going 50 miles per hour on a 35 miles per hour road and you run a red light. The police eventually pull you over, and you explain to them your delema. Instead of being understanding and thoughtful of your situation the police officer charges you with both a ticket for speeding and running a red light. Acording to the law this is the right thing to do but according to Atticus, in To Kill A Mokingbird, the policie officer should have accepted your reasoning and allowed you to go free of charge because â€Å"sometimes it is better to bend the law a little in special cases.† (30) I disagree with Atticus because stretching the law in minor casing may seem understandable but laws are made for certain reason’s and when there is an exception made for one person there should be an exception made for any person who breaks the law. Much like in chapter 3 of To Kill A Mockingbird. The Ewell family is a family of much lower social ranking and class that the Cunninham’s. Burris Ewell proves this to be true when he arrives to school with worms attactched to his body and lice in his head, and no shoes on (further explain)

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Contraceptives and the Population Problem :: Environment Environmental Pollution Preservation

Contraceptives and the Population Problem The question of overpopulation's impact on the environment is multi-dimensional and far beyond the scope of a single essay. The issue has to do with considering the environment a normal good while at the same time understanding the impact of industrialization on increased pollution levels. Relationships between industrialization, overpopulation, global pollution, regional pollution, resource depletion, and numerous other environmental and social concerns form a multi-dimensional series of feedback loops, all of which feed back on the original system. Computer models developed by economic research institutions to predict environmental and developmental impacts of population growth (ex. The World Bank, The Economic Research Service) are n-dimensional, only to be accurately evaluated using advanced statistical regressions and matrix analysis. As such, this paper will assume that there is a direct correlation between population and natural resource depletion (environmental degradation by way of pollutants is an entirely different, and more complicated issue), and the most cost-effective way of amelioration would be to restrain population growth. Given that, what is the correct means for policy to approach the population problem? The options include contraceptive distribution, family planning, general economic development, and gender equality among others. Essentially, policy has to address whether population can be restrained with a "tech fix" such as contraceptives or only after a broad socioeconomic shift. In 1992, Professor Jay Forrester and his team at MIT developed a computer model designed to simulate likely future patterns of the global economy based on a technique known as system dynamics. The system dynamic technique relies on feedback loops to explain human behavior, and this particular model predicted an overshoot and collapse of the natural resource economic base. This Malthusian prediction reinforced Paul Ehrlich's contention articulated in The Population Bomb (1968) that unbridled population growth is the foremost factor in environmental degradation and natural resource depletion. However, these pessimistic models failed to take account of the substitutive and absorptive capacities of humanity and the environment. In fact, these key economic principals temper the adverse effects of overpopulation and may increase general human welfare as a result. But the fact (or widely acknowledged as such) still remains that population growth, particularly in undeveloped nations puts an increased strain on the environment and the population supported by the local ecosystem. The 2003 World Development Report which is published by The World Bank Group indicates that farmers in third world countries are being forced to farm on marginal lands due to the growing scarcity of arable lands.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Background of the Study

Quezon City Polytechnic University Natural Science Deparment 673 Quirino Highway San Bartolome Novaliches, Quezon City â€Å" Physics for Children Website † An Advance studying of Physics in an enjoyable way An Investigatory Project Presented to the Class of Prof. Marjim Dela Cruz General Physics NATSCI102 Presented by Espinosa, Diane A. Mangalos, Ronnel S. Morales, Mary Knoll Rosales, Mary Grace Joy C. Tugano, Paolo September 28, 2011 ABSTRACT Physics is usually teach in high school and college students nowadays. It would not be easy to teach Physics in a child specially it is science ubject that usually hate by many students. The researchers want to create and make a website that children of all ages would love and learn a lot in an enjoyable way. a. Purpose To create a website about physics for children that involves games, trivia, stories, and other things that is possible for the reasercher to make. To establish studying a lesson in an enjoyable way. Also to support paren ts and teachers in norturing their kids intelligent in science subject especially physics. For the kids to know some interesting and knowledgeable news and events in the science world. And last to b. Procedure UsedFirst finding information in the internet and some references like books that would satisfy the researchers idea about the concept of their investigatory project and website. Ask some professional and ordinary person about the value of this study for the researcher to gathered ideas and opinions from them. And last check if there are possible materials to be used for this research for the succesful result of this investigatory. c. Results In finding for a suitable title for the researchers investigatory project and the main concept to do it is by creating a website the researchers finally decided to make a website for kids.It is an advance studying of physics in an enjoyable way. d. Conclusion The researchers there for conclude that it is better to create a website for chi ldren as an investigatory project to be unique and original in some aspects. It is also fun, knowledgeable and interesting to do. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researcher would like to thank God for guiding and guarding us in doing this Investigatory Project. He guide us all through the way from the beginning when we are still finding data, details and information.The researchers would also want to thank our parents in supporting us emotionally and financially. They were always there in every step of the way. Also the researcher would like to acknowledge the parent’s of Diane for letting the researcher use the computer in doing the website and typing the documentation. The researcher would also want to thank there professor who approve there abstract. We really appreciate it because we did an abstract only once while other group are not. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction a. Background of the study b. Statement of the problem/objectives . Significance of the study d. Scope and limitations e. Review of related literature Methodology a. Materials/equipment b. Treatment/general procedure Result and Discussion Conclusions Recommendations INTRODUCTION A historical approach to the development of physical theories and technological advances is adopted to highlight the humanistic aspect of science. In many instances, evolution of concepts, principles and theories is described to make you aware of the contributions of some great physicists and technologists in pushing forward the frontiers of knowledge.Physics is the branch of science that deals with the interaction between matter and energy. Understanding of its basic principles enhance your daily life and the application of physics principles pave the way to development. Life situations where these physical theories meaningful. Technological devices are presented to keep abreast with advances in science and technology. These will help people to cope with the demands of the knowledge based society of the century. Internet is a big help for those people who wants to gather knowledge in physics in a more convenient and easy way.These are many available websites about physics that offers information, knowledge, and comments. These website tackled about the physics principles in a more advance way. Many students usually depends on internet and there are also children, elementary students who wants to study physics. So here goes a website for children, an advance studying of physics with less pressure and enjoyable. A. Background of the Study B. Statement of the Problem/Objectives * How to create a website that is child friendly and reliable as a reference sources of information for students.Easy to use, understand at the same time complete with each content’s clarity. * How to establish trivia’s about physics in a way that is easy to understand. Short sentence but full of knowledge. * How to provide physicist stories about physics history story in a delightful way. Stories with pictures for b etter understanding, * What topics about physics should be included in the website for it to be valuable and knowledgeable. * Why it is important to create a children website about physics for primary and secondary students. ObjectivesTo increase the knowledge and improve the abilities and skills of the children. To prepare them for upcoming (or complex or difficult) lessons. C. Significance of the study D. Scope and Limitation This study may help to improve the health and well being of a child. It will guide the child to do the good things and avoid the bad things. The benefit of this study for the children is to have a good health and physically fit body, that can help them in their daily living and till the time will come that they are all ready grown ups. E. Review of related literatureThe National Children’s Study will examine the effects of environmental influences on the health and development of more than 100,000 children across the United States, following them from before birth until age 21. The goal of the Study is to improve the health and well-being of children. The Study defines â€Å"environment† broadly and will take a number of issues into account, including: * natural and man-made environmental factors * biological and chemical factors * physical surroundings * social factors * behavioral influences and outcomes * genetics * cultural and family influences and differences geographic locations Researchers will analyze how these elements interact with each other and what helpful and/or harmful effects they might have on children’s health. By studying children through their different phases of growth and development, researchers will be better able to understand the role of these environmental factors on health and disease. The Study will also allow scientists to find the differences that exist between groups of people, in terms of their health, health care access, disease occurrence, and other issues, so that these differenc es or disparities can be addressed.The National Children’s Study will be one of the richest research efforts geared towards studying children’s health and development and will form the basis of child health guidance, interventions, and policy for generations to come. Findings from the Study will be made available as the research progresses, making potential benefits known to the public as soon as possible. METHODOLOGY A. Materials and Equipment’s The materials needed are the following: Adobe Dreamweaver  (formerly  Macromedia Dreamweaver) is a  web development  application  originally created byMacromedia, and is now developed by  Adobe Systems, which acquired Macromedia in 2005.Dreamweaver is available for both  Mac  and  Windows  operating systems. Recent versions have incorporated support for  webtechnologies such as  CSS,  JavaScript, and various  server-side scripting  languages  and  frameworks  including  ASP,  Cold Fusion, and  PHP. Adobe Photoshop  is a  graphics editing program  developed and published by  Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe's 2003 â€Å"Creative Suite† rebranding led to Adobe Photoshop 8's renaming to Adobe Photoshop CS. Thus, Adobe Photoshop CS5 is the  12th major release  of Adobe Photoshop.The CS rebranding also resulted in Adobe offering numerous software packages containing multiple Adobe programs for a reduced price. Adobe Photoshop is released in two editions:Adobe Photoshop, and  Adobe Photoshop Extended, with the Extended having extra 3D image creation, motion graphics editing, and advanced image analysis features. [3]  Adobe Photoshop Extended is included in all of Adobe's Creative Suite offerings except Design Standard, which includes the Adobe Photoshop edition. B. Treatment and General Procedure Index/home ;! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC â€Å"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1. 0 Transitional//EN† â€Å"http://www. w3. rg/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transition al. dtd†; ;html xmlns=†http://www. w3. org/1999/xhtml†; ;head; ;meta http-equiv=†Content-Type† content=†text/html; charset=utf-8†³ /; ;title;physics4children. com/story;/title; ;style type=†text/css†; ;! — * { padding: 0; margin: 0; outline: 0; } a:link { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration:none; } a:visited { color: #8c8a86; text-decoration:none; } a:hover { color: #99FF00; text-decoration:none; } a img { border-width:0; } #outer-wrapper { margin: 0 0; padding: 0 0; } #inner-wrapper { width:962px; margin: 0 auto; } #apDiv1 { width: 1000px; height: 270px; order-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: white; z-index: 1; float: right; } } #menu a { height: 45px; width: 200px; margin: 0 0; display: block; text-indent: -9999px; float: left; } #menu a. home { background: url(home. jpg) #333333 100% 45px; } #menu a. home:hover { background: url(home2. jpg) #333333 100% 45px; } #menu a. stories { background: url(stories. jpg) # 333333 100% 45px; } #menu a. stories:hover { background: url(stories2. jpg) #333333 100% 45px; } #menu a. events { background: url(events. jpg) #333333 100% 45px; } #menu a. events:hover { background: url(events2. jpg) #333333 100% 45px; } #menu a. about { ackground: url(about. jpg) #333333 100% 45px; } #menu a. about:hover { background: url(about2. jpg) #333333 100% 45px; } #menu a. comments { background: url(comments. jpg) #333333 100% 45px; } #menu a. comments:hover { background: url(comment2. jpg) #333333 100% 45px; } body { background-color: #b2ffd6; background-image: url(); background-repeat: repeat; } body,td,th { color: #000; font-family: tempus sans ITC; } #apDiv2 { float: right; width:208px; height:600px; background-color:#292929; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; border-color:#FFF; z-index:2; } #apDiv3 { width:750px; height:900px; z-index:3; float: right; } –> lt;/style> 0&&parent. frames. length) { d=parent. rames[n. substring(p+1)]. document; n=n. substring( 0,p);} if(! (x=d[n])&&d. all) x=d. all[n]; for (i=0;! x&&i Simple Definition Flow of History lt;p> home | stories | events | physics4children. com Welcome KIDS! Learn Physics in an Enjoyable Way! lt;/font> Facts Physics Facts & Trivia Stories (galileo galilie) lt;div id=†apDiv2†³> Stories Galileo Galilei and the rise of physico-mathematics The Cartesian philosophy of motion Newtonian motion versus Cartesian motion Rational mechanics in the18th century The radical years: general relativity and quantum mechanics lt;p> home | stories | events | physics4children. com Stories Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) RESULT AND DISCUSSION CONCLUSION Background of the Study Quezon City Polytechnic University Natural Science Deparment 673 Quirino Highway San Bartolome Novaliches, Quezon City â€Å" Physics for Children Website † An Advance studying of Physics in an enjoyable way An Investigatory Project Presented to the Class of Prof. Marjim Dela Cruz General Physics NATSCI102 Presented by Espinosa, Diane A. Mangalos, Ronnel S. Morales, Mary Knoll Rosales, Mary Grace Joy C. Tugano, Paolo September 28, 2011 ABSTRACT Physics is usually teach in high school and college students nowadays. It would not be easy to teach Physics in a child specially it is science ubject that usually hate by many students. The researchers want to create and make a website that children of all ages would love and learn a lot in an enjoyable way. a. Purpose To create a website about physics for children that involves games, trivia, stories, and other things that is possible for the reasercher to make. To establish studying a lesson in an enjoyable way. Also to support paren ts and teachers in norturing their kids intelligent in science subject especially physics. For the kids to know some interesting and knowledgeable news and events in the science world. And last to b. Procedure UsedFirst finding information in the internet and some references like books that would satisfy the researchers idea about the concept of their investigatory project and website. Ask some professional and ordinary person about the value of this study for the researcher to gathered ideas and opinions from them. And last check if there are possible materials to be used for this research for the succesful result of this investigatory. c. Results In finding for a suitable title for the researchers investigatory project and the main concept to do it is by creating a website the researchers finally decided to make a website for kids.It is an advance studying of physics in an enjoyable way. d. Conclusion The researchers there for conclude that it is better to create a website for chi ldren as an investigatory project to be unique and original in some aspects. It is also fun, knowledgeable and interesting to do. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The researcher would like to thank God for guiding and guarding us in doing this Investigatory Project. He guide us all through the way from the beginning when we are still finding data, details and information.The researchers would also want to thank our parents in supporting us emotionally and financially. They were always there in every step of the way. Also the researcher would like to acknowledge the parent’s of Diane for letting the researcher use the computer in doing the website and typing the documentation. The researcher would also want to thank there professor who approve there abstract. We really appreciate it because we did an abstract only once while other group are not. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction a. Background of the study b. Statement of the problem/objectives . Significance of the study d. Scope and limitations e. Review of related literature Methodology a. Materials/equipment b. Treatment/general procedure Result and Discussion Conclusions Recommendations INTRODUCTION A historical approach to the development of physical theories and technological advances is adopted to highlight the humanistic aspect of science. In many instances, evolution of concepts, principles and theories is described to make you aware of the contributions of some great physicists and technologists in pushing forward the frontiers of knowledge.Physics is the branch of science that deals with the interaction between matter and energy. Understanding of its basic principles enhance your daily life and the application of physics principles pave the way to development. Life situations where these physical theories meaningful. Technological devices are presented to keep abreast with advances in science and technology. These will help people to cope with the demands of the knowledge based society of the century. Internet is a big help for those people who wants to gather knowledge in physics in a more convenient and easy way.These are many available websites about physics that offers information, knowledge, and comments. These website tackled about the physics principles in a more advance way. Many students usually depends on internet and there are also children, elementary students who wants to study physics. So here goes a website for children, an advance studying of physics with less pressure and enjoyable. A. Background of the Study B. Statement of the Problem/Objectives * How to create a website that is child friendly and reliable as a reference sources of information for students.Easy to use, understand at the same time complete with each content’s clarity. * How to establish trivia’s about physics in a way that is easy to understand. Short sentence but full of knowledge. * How to provide physicist stories about physics history story in a delightful way. Stories with pictures for b etter understanding, * What topics about physics should be included in the website for it to be valuable and knowledgeable. * Why it is important to create a children website about physics for primary and secondary students. ObjectivesTo increase the knowledge and improve the abilities and skills of the children. To prepare them for upcoming (or complex or difficult) lessons. C. Significance of the study D. Scope and Limitation This study may help to improve the health and well being of a child. It will guide the child to do the good things and avoid the bad things. The benefit of this study for the children is to have a good health and physically fit body, that can help them in their daily living and till the time will come that they are all ready grown ups. E. Review of related literatureThe National Children’s Study will examine the effects of environmental influences on the health and development of more than 100,000 children across the United States, following them from before birth until age 21. The goal of the Study is to improve the health and well-being of children. The Study defines â€Å"environment† broadly and will take a number of issues into account, including: * natural and man-made environmental factors * biological and chemical factors * physical surroundings * social factors * behavioral influences and outcomes * genetics * cultural and family influences and differences geographic locations Researchers will analyze how these elements interact with each other and what helpful and/or harmful effects they might have on children’s health. By studying children through their different phases of growth and development, researchers will be better able to understand the role of these environmental factors on health and disease. The Study will also allow scientists to find the differences that exist between groups of people, in terms of their health, health care access, disease occurrence, and other issues, so that these differenc es or disparities can be addressed.The National Children’s Study will be one of the richest research efforts geared towards studying children’s health and development and will form the basis of child health guidance, interventions, and policy for generations to come. Findings from the Study will be made available as the research progresses, making potential benefits known to the public as soon as possible. METHODOLOGY A. Materials and Equipment’s The materials needed are the following: Adobe Dreamweaver  (formerly  Macromedia Dreamweaver) is a  web development  application  originally created byMacromedia, and is now developed by  Adobe Systems, which acquired Macromedia in 2005.Dreamweaver is available for both  Mac  and  Windows  operating systems. Recent versions have incorporated support for  webtechnologies such as  CSS,  JavaScript, and various  server-side scripting  languages  and  frameworks  including  ASP,  Cold Fusion, and  PHP. Adobe Photoshop  is a  graphics editing program  developed and published by  Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe's 2003 â€Å"Creative Suite† rebranding led to Adobe Photoshop 8's renaming to Adobe Photoshop CS. Thus, Adobe Photoshop CS5 is the  12th major release  of Adobe Photoshop.The CS rebranding also resulted in Adobe offering numerous software packages containing multiple Adobe programs for a reduced price. Adobe Photoshop is released in two editions:Adobe Photoshop, and  Adobe Photoshop Extended, with the Extended having extra 3D image creation, motion graphics editing, and advanced image analysis features. [3]  Adobe Photoshop Extended is included in all of Adobe's Creative Suite offerings except Design Standard, which includes the Adobe Photoshop edition. B. Treatment and General Procedure Index/home ;! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC â€Å"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1. 0 Transitional//EN† â€Å"http://www. w3. rg/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transition al. dtd†; ;html xmlns=†http://www. w3. org/1999/xhtml†; ;head; ;meta http-equiv=†Content-Type† content=†text/html; charset=utf-8†³ /; ;title;physics4children. com/story;/title; ;style type=†text/css†; ;! — * { padding: 0; margin: 0; outline: 0; } a:link { color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration:none; } a:visited { color: #8c8a86; text-decoration:none; } a:hover { color: #99FF00; text-decoration:none; } a img { border-width:0; } #outer-wrapper { margin: 0 0; padding: 0 0; } #inner-wrapper { width:962px; margin: 0 auto; } #apDiv1 { width: 1000px; height: 270px; order-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: white; z-index: 1; float: right; } } #menu a { height: 45px; width: 200px; margin: 0 0; display: block; text-indent: -9999px; float: left; } #menu a. home { background: url(home. jpg) #333333 100% 45px; } #menu a. home:hover { background: url(home2. jpg) #333333 100% 45px; } #menu a. stories { background: url(stories. jpg) # 333333 100% 45px; } #menu a. stories:hover { background: url(stories2. jpg) #333333 100% 45px; } #menu a. events { background: url(events. jpg) #333333 100% 45px; } #menu a. events:hover { background: url(events2. jpg) #333333 100% 45px; } #menu a. about { ackground: url(about. jpg) #333333 100% 45px; } #menu a. about:hover { background: url(about2. jpg) #333333 100% 45px; } #menu a. comments { background: url(comments. jpg) #333333 100% 45px; } #menu a. comments:hover { background: url(comment2. jpg) #333333 100% 45px; } body { background-color: #b2ffd6; background-image: url(); background-repeat: repeat; } body,td,th { color: #000; font-family: tempus sans ITC; } #apDiv2 { float: right; width:208px; height:600px; background-color:#292929; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; border-color:#FFF; z-index:2; } #apDiv3 { width:750px; height:900px; z-index:3; float: right; } –> lt;/style> 0&&parent. frames. length) { d=parent. rames[n. substring(p+1)]. document; n=n. substring( 0,p);} if(! (x=d[n])&&d. all) x=d. all[n]; for (i=0;! x&&i Simple Definition Flow of History lt;p> home | stories | events | physics4children. com Welcome KIDS! Learn Physics in an Enjoyable Way! lt;/font> Facts Physics Facts & Trivia Stories (galileo galilie) lt;div id=†apDiv2†³> Stories Galileo Galilei and the rise of physico-mathematics The Cartesian philosophy of motion Newtonian motion versus Cartesian motion Rational mechanics in the18th century The radical years: general relativity and quantum mechanics lt;p> home | stories | events | physics4children. com Stories Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) RESULT AND DISCUSSION CONCLUSION

Monday, January 6, 2020

I Am Suffering From Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd...

Thus, motivated by retaliation, personal vengeance, and the intent to harm me, Ms. Lopez DEFRAUDED me in the amount of $900.00, which was my total Presidential Scholarship stipend for the academic year of August 2015 to May 2006. This was Ms. Lopez’ way of taking vengeance against me for declining her UNETHICAL and INAPPROPRIATE DEMAND to complete her son’s homework. Given the aforementioned facts, it is indisputable that I was a victim of RETALIATION, PERSONAL VENGEANCE, and FRAUD by Ms. Lopez. Given my documented psychiatric disabilities, this incident occurred because I unintentionally created animosity with Ms. Lopez by declining her UNETHICAL and INAPPROPRIATE DEMAND to complete her son’s homework. As a DIRECT RESULT of this PHYSICAL, FINANCIAL, and PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA inflicted upon me by Ms. Lopez, I am suffering from severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) (I have official disability documentation), and I have nightmares every night regarding this traumatic event. I am unable to go to sleep at night. My brain keeps remembering this traumatic event as if it occurred yesterday; all the details keep replaying in my mind on a constant basis. Thus, I MUST take action as soon as possible to resolve my psychological trauma and prevent further damages. No university official should be perm itted to inflict this type of trauma upon a student, especially not a disabled student. Regarding the dates of this incident, I wasShow MoreRelatedEssay about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder939 Words   |  4 Pagesbeen hearing about a disorder that is seemingly new. This disorder is known as post traumatic stress. We hear on the news that a veteran had hurt his or her family and this disorder was the cause. We have seen the countless reports of the number of divorces that are cause by post traumatic stress. Just by reading the reports and watching the news one can conclude that this is a disorder that is cause by war. PTSD is not a diagnosis solely held by war veterans. It is a disorder can affect anyone andRead MoreEvents and Treaties of World War I1317 Words   |  5 Pagesthe events and treaties of World War 1. I found this subject very interesting and the fact that many soldiers suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder piqued my curiosity. My teacher discussed how towards the end of the war soldiers portrayed symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and ofte n fled during war which led to most of them being captured by their government and killed. I want to learn more about this topic because it is very interesting to me. I also want to learn more about why insteadRead MorePtsd Research Paper1038 Words   |  5 PagesThe Perceptions and Treatment of PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has severely affected the lives of countless military veterans throughout the years. Consequently, there likely are many more PTSD cases that exist and go unreported, or misdiagnosed due to misconceptions when reported (Samuelson, Bartel, Jordan, Valadez, 2017). To this extent, I am going to discuss my views on two articles. The first article explains the patient’s perceptions of PTSD symptoms. The second article explainsRead MorePost Traumatic Stess Disorder1465 Words   |  6 PagesPost-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD; what is it, what are the symptoms, how is it diagnosed, can it be treated, what affects does it have on the family? As I have personally seen PTSD; these are some of the questions I asked myself on weekly bases. Now that I have reoccurring thoughts about my personal situations, I find myself asking some of the same questions after each deployment. I wonder I am going to come back the man I was or come back an unrecogn izable void. I have done extensive researchRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Ptsd1434 Words   |  6 Pagessuch as recovering from childhood exploitation, rape, incest, or being held up at gunpoint, it is almost always difficult to improve without any guidance. Occasionally, a person can be resilient, while others countlessly suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and develop self destructive behaviors such as an eating disorder. When in harm’s way, you have two responses, commonly known as â€Å"flight-or-flight.† You are either going to avoid danger or face it head on. With PTSD, this recoil of a decisionRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder980 Words   |  4 Pagesto figure out why is it that past events are the triggers that cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is an anxiety disorder that some people get after seeing or undergoing a dangerous event. There are various symptoms that begin to show or actions that can give a cl ear answer whether one may be diagnosed with this disorder. One of the many problems is that no age range is safe from suffering PTSD. One must ask themselves what set of events happened at that time to causeRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder851 Words   |  3 PagesPost Traumatic Stress Disorder Introduction â€Å"There are currently over 400,000 Veterans in treatment for PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and it is estimated that with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars there is an additional 33% increase in our returning soldiers.† Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has become a severe issue for veterans returning from overseas. One of the most effective, yet unused resources given to veterans to help them cope with their disorder is specially trained dogs. TheseRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1180 Words   |  5 PagesPost-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a persistent and a lot of times crippling condition which is caused by a psychologically overwhelming experience. It develops when a individual has been exposed to traumatic event. It can continue for years and even last for your whole life. Its symptoms affect every life domain – physiological, psychological, occupational, and social Post-traumatic Stress Disorder has and is effecting thousands of people, it affects children, adults, men and women. AtRead MorePtsd, The Price Of Freedom Essay903 Words   |  4 PagesPTSD, the Price of Freedom The freedoms Americans enjoy come at a price; brave military men and women often foot the bill. Many men and women pay with their lives; others relive sights, sounds, and terror of combat in the form of PTSD. There are several causes and risk factors for the development of PTSD. Combat-related PTSD appears slightly different than traditional PTSD. History tells of times when soldiers diagnosed with PTSD were viewed as â€Å"weak.† Resources have not always been available toRead MoreThe Effects Of Eye Movement Reprocessing And Desensitization1596 Words   |  7 Pages Lone Star College - CyFair The Effects of Eye Movement Reprocessing and Desensitization in Posttraumatic Stress Victims Kaitlyn Schenk PSYC 2301.5012 Laura Renee October 19, 2016 An estimated 5.2 million adults will suffer from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) every year. Every PTSD victim encounters different experiences and symptoms that coincide with their trauma. Many forms of treatment and coping mechanisms have been attempted in the past decade to produce relief. There have